
Everyone can help you obtain an admission to study abroad but very few will assist you obtain a visa! Our strength and pride is that we do both. This department specializes in…

Every year, the BLI works in collaboration with its foreign partners to organize summer camps abroad (UK, Canada, USA, Dubai, Kenya etc.). It is an all-inclusive package that mixes learning and fun.…

The British language Institute is an accredited international exams center with facilities to accommodate both paper base and online exams. Every year, more than one thousand people take international exams with help…

Do you have a first degree? Do you have work experience? Do you want to immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker? BLI is the answer!  Visa counselling We offer visa counseling…

At BLI we are encouraging community use within our premises. We have a great range of spaces available for hire. Our aim is to provide a varied program of activities for all…

English is not just used in everyday situations. It is also used in businesses and professional settings all over the world. Learning English is not just a fun and interesting thing to…